Black Desert Online – Crafting
Black Desert Online is still pretty fun now that I’m into my 3rd week. Seems like a learn something new in the game every day. Mainly what I’m learning is that it seems like one big crafting game. Sure there’s combat and the world is really well drawn, I was impressed just yesterday when I was climbing over a rock and noticed the details of lichen moss growing on the rock. The graphics in this game are certainly a far cry from the early days in gaming.
Crafting –
In Black Desert Online there is so much of it that one could easily forget that combat exists other than to complete quests that allow you to get more storage space for more crafting materials. All of the professions are available to you at the beginning of the game and through standard questing the game introduces each in turn. Cooking & Alchemy, Fishing, Blacksmithing, Farming, Gathering, Mining, and I’m sure I’m forgetting something here. The Temptation is to just go buy 1000 of some material and just level up a skill all at once, but that would be impossible, you would never have the energy for it.